In response to the number of clients who find it difficult to stop food cravings we have created a new audio to allow you to get control over your bad habits. Food cravings can be triggered by emotions, habits, stress or just simple associations. Our Stop Food Cravings Hypnosis Download has been created to teach you tips and strategies to halt these feelings when they arise. Our self hypnosis download deals with all forms of cravings including those for sweet foods as well as high fat foods and processed meals and takeaways.*
When you harness the power of your subconscious mind it can be easier to resist temptation when it comes your way. Learning to recognise food craving triggers can also assist you in building up new healthier habits to deal with your problems rather than reaching for foods which only make you feel worse. Cakes and takeaways won’t solve your stresses and problems but tackling the underlying cause can make you happier and healthier.*
If you are embarking on a weight loss program this audio should be used in conjunction with some of our other downloads for best results. We even have a full weight loss program which you can buy online that can help you to also address portion sizes, emotional eating and even gastric band hypnosis.*
Listen to this audio at least once a day for a period of twenty one days. If you feel a craving starting this can also be a great time to listen to your stop food cravings hypnosis download. Remember this audio is not designed to make you cut out all so called “unhealthy foods”. Just about every food is ok when used in moderation. Trying to eradicate certain foods can often create more harm than good as eventually you will not be able to resist the food and eat more than you planned. Instead think about balancing your food groups so that 80-90% of the time you eat a healthy diet but allow yourself treats as well.*
Our Stop Food Cravings Hypnosis Download should never be used when you need to be alert, when you are driving or operating heavy machinery.
*Disclaimer: Please note that as we do not tailor our audios to each individual buyer we are unable to guarantee results which may vary from person to person.
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