Hypnotherapy for Bulimia Nervosa
Many eating disorders or problems with food are incredibly common and not instantly obvious when you look at someone. If you suffer from Bulimia to the outside world you may appear happy and healthy but in private you may be experiencing difficulty maintaining control around food leading to binges and purges which can be extremely dangerous. Statistics state that over 8% of Women in the UK alone will suffer from this problem in their lifetime. Our Therapy for Bulimia in Nottingham is designed to help our clients address the reasons for their eating disorder and then to help them introduce alternative healthier eating patterns.*
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Hypnotherapy and Eating Disorders
Most eating disorders are linked to psychological problems and in particular we know that many of our clients who have problems with bulimia have feelings of:
- Low -Self Esteem
- Low Confidence
- Perfectionist Tendencies
- Suffer from Anxiety and Stress
These negative feelings have usually been set up in childhood and the overeating becomes a way of dissociating from the negative feelings. However once a binge is over you may experience feelings of disgust, loathing and anxiety and then the purging starts. Purging does not always involve being sick but can also include excessive exercising and use of laxatives.
Binge Eating Hypnotherapy is first used to identify where possible the underlying emotions that are creating the need to binge. Once they have been discovered then it becomes easier for us to direct our therapy at the root cause of the problem. In addition we work with our clients under hypnosis to mentally rehearse positive change. This can help to alter negative patterns which are no longer useful. We may also ask you to visit your doctor for a formal diagnosis and also to assist if there are any medical issues which need to be addressed.*
We never place clients with eating disorders on diets. Even though bulimics and binge eaters request weight loss hypnotherapy it is absolutely not suitable for these problems. In fact excessive dieting can be one of the reasons adding to your problem.
Call Us Today on 01636 650 521
Dangers of Bulimia
Although many people suffer from bulimia many do not go to their doctor about the problem and are unaware of the dangers associated with this eating disorder. In the long term this problem can cause:
- Depression
- Lack of Periods
- Problems with teeth
- Heart problems
- Kidney Disease
This is why getting expert help to manage the problem as soon as possible is so important
Bulimia Hypnosis Program
Our Therapy for Bulimia Nottingham works with our clients to help them break free of the negative eating patterns so that they can take back control. In particular we use hypnotherapy and NLP as well as analytical techniques to uncover the root cause of the problem, We also work on some of the common issues which are behind the disorder such as confidence building and anxiety and stress reduction. All clients with this disorder start on a five session program with us. Each appointment lasts for one hour and takes place one to two weeks apart.*
Get Professional Help Today
For Therapy for Bulimia Nottingham help simply call us today or email us to either get more information about our sessions or to book your program today.*
Call Us Today on 01636 650 521
*Disclaimer – Please note as this is a form of therapy we are unable to guarantee results which may vary from person to person.
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